
Body: Tonic Fine Beauty v6.0 BOM
Mainstore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife//220/237/24
Bodyskin:[GA.EG]Kirsten Bodyskins - Full Pack  BOM Layers
compatible with all GA.EG Heads 
included 8 skin tones - Skin- Tattoo - Universal Layer
Head: [[GA.EG]Jennifer 2.0.1 Bento Mesh Head included BOM
Facelight, BOM Head Applier, Smart HUD, Facial AO, Ears and Teeth,
 Brow Shaper, Neckblend for EVE Body, Lara, Slink & Standart Avatar
Head Skins - 8 Tones - no Brows - BOM
Eyes: [GA.EG] Ultimate Eyes Pack - E17 Muse
included Ultimate Eyes Smart HUD and 3 Eyes Packs
Eyeshaddows [GA.EG]- B-ES11 Pearl- BOM Layers
Makeup/Tattoo Layers for BOM Compatible Mesh & Standart Heads
20 Gradual & Nature Tones  ~ white/ blond/ red/ brown/ black
for the lightest to the darkest skins
[GA.EG] Lipsticks - B- LP18 Kylie~ BOM Layers
Mainstore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/GAELINE%20CREATIONS/36/52/29
Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Bethy 
Dress:Guguvaga FASHION - Philomena Dress - from Day to Night Collection
Top~Skirt~Black Shawl Nelly~Hat Roses red
Blogging for 
2nd Chance Sale Event

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